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PHP 설치시 configure: error: Sorry, I cannot run apxs. Either you need to install Perl or you need to pass the absolute path of apxs by using --with-apxs=/absolute/path/to/apxs 에러..

by 준섭이 2013. 12. 19.

configure: error: Sorry, I cannot run apxs. Either you need to install Perl or you need to pass the absolute path of apxs by using --with-apxs=/absolute/path/to/apxs

1. vi /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs

2. #!/replace/with/path/to/perl/interpreter -w  <-- 삭제 및 주석 처리해준다

3. #!/usr/bin/perl -w   <-- 해당 내용 추가

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